If you are interested in applying for any of the available scholarships or other awards only available to Ham Radio Operators, it will be helpful for you to document your activities. We HIGHLY recommend that you create a Ham Radio Activity Log, and document everything you do that is Ham Radio related into your log. Be sure to date each entry. Save this log into a unique folder on your computer. Take pictures and save them into this folder as well. If you receive any recognitions, like giving a presentation at a local club meeting or most PHONE QSO’s at Winter Field Day or doing well in the ARRL Rookie Roundup, scan them and save them to this folder. If you have an article published in QST, CQ magazine, or any number of the other Ham Radio publications out there, scan it and save it in your folder. When it is time for you to apply for a scholarship or award, having this information saved in one place will make the process much simpler.
* We also recommend that you backup this folder regularly. Dropbox, Google Drive, etc. are excellent ways to automatically backup these critical files.
* We also recommend that you backup this folder regularly. Dropbox, Google Drive, etc. are excellent ways to automatically backup these critical files.
ARRL Foundation Scholarship Program
Foundation for Amateur Radio Scholarships
The Foundation for Amateur Radio (FAR) Scholarship Committee is responsible for the administration of amateur radio-related scholarships that are sponsored by individuals and Amateur Radio clubs from across the nation. The FAR scholarship application process is open to all licensed Amateur Radio operators worldwide.
ARRL Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Award
The Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Award is given annually to a licensed radio amateur under the age of 21. The nominee must be a current ARRL member. The nominee’s accomplishments and contributions to both the community of Amateur Radio and the local community should be of the most exemplary nature.